
WOW 3.0.2补丁说明(英文)

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World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.0.2: Echoes of Doom
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山东确诊一例人感染禽流感病例 患者已死亡

中新社北京一月十八日电(记者 曾利明)国家卫生部十八日晚九时发布信息称:据山东省卫生厅十八日通报,山东省确诊一例人感染高致病性禽流感病例。该患者的有关情况,卫生部已向世界卫生组织、港澳台地区和部分国家通报。

WOW 消息 陈晓薇:6月续约魔兽 毒丸计划防范于未然



冬瓜子、乌梅、苹果、鸡蛋、蜂蜜、银耳、核桃、牛奶、莲藕、梨、大枣、黄瓜。 举例处方 1、银耳樱桃:水发银耳50克,罐头樱桃30克,糖桂花、冰糖适量。在沙锅内加水烧沸,入冰糖溶化,加入银耳,煮10分钟,再入樱桃、桂花糖,煮沸后,待食。随意食之。 2、雪梨1个,百合10克,水煎服,食时加适量冰糖。 3、梨汁、荸荠汁、藕汁、鲜苇根汁、甘蔗汁各适量,混全冷服。 4、核桃粥:大豆30克,白芨10克炒熟碾粉。核桃仁50克捣碎,同大米150克一起煮粥,将熟时,放入大豆、白芨粉,搅匀,再煮沸几次,加入白糖适量食用,早晚各食1小碗。常服可使面部红润光泽。 5、牛奶:每日早晚服牛奶200毫升,并以少量牛奶抹面,能使面部皮肤光洁柔嫩。 6、红颜酒:胡桃肉120克,红枣120克,杏仁30克,白蜜100克,酥油70克.用白酒1000毫升,先放入白蜜、酥油,随即放入其他中药,密封七天后服用.每日早晚各30克. 7、容颜不老方:生姜500克,大枣250克,白盐50克,甘草90克,丁香15克, 沉香15克,茴香200克.将药捣成粗末,和匀备用.每日早晨取10~15克,煎服或沸水泡服。

国企不惜重金向跨国公司挖角(Stealing Managers From The Big Boys)

Chinese companies are energetically wooing[vt.争求] execs away from multinationals[跨国企业]中国企业正积极从跨国公司挖掘高级主管。By just about any measure, Aaron Tong was a success. He was pulling down[挣钱] $100,000-plus as a senior manager of Motorola Inc.'s cellular division in Beijing and had worked in Singapore and the U.S. But two years ago, when TV-and-phone-maker TCL Corp. asked if Tong might accept a position as vice-president, he jumped at the chance. Although the modest salary hike and stock options[股权 were welcome, that wasn't what really attracted[v.吸引] him. "They were offering me a more challenging job," says Tong, 42. At "a Chinese company, you can do a lot more important things than with a multinational." 按照任何标准衡量,亚伦-童(Aaron Tong)都是一个成功的人物。他曾经担任摩托罗拉手机部门中国区高级经理,年薪高达10多万美元,此外他还在新加坡和美国工作过一段时间。但在两年前,当电视和手机制造商TCL询问亚伦-童是否愿意接受副总裁一职时,他毫不犹豫选择了跳槽。TCL为亚伦-童提供的薪酬和股权的确诱人,但这并不是他加盟TCL的主要原因。时年42岁的他说:“TCL给了我一个极具挑战性的工作,同跨国公司相比,在中国企业我可以做更多的事情。”Tong isn't the only Chinese manager being poached from[从某人/某处挖走人员或窃取思想] the global giants[在此代指跨国公司]. Tang Jun, president of NASDAQ-listed online gaming company Shanda Interactive Entertainment, served as president of Microsoft Corp.'s Chinese operations. Jean Cai, head of corporate communications at Lenovo, is a veteran of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide and General Electric Co. Telecom equipment maker Huawei has hired people away from Motorola and Nokia, while Haier, China Netcom, and Brilliance China Automotive Holdings have lured[吸引,引诱] staffers from consultants McKinsey, A.T. Kearney, and Boston Consulting Group. "We spend a lot of time advising multinationals on how to hold on to their best people," says Bill Henderson, managing partner for China at headhunters Egon Zehnder International.亚伦-童并不是唯一一位由跨国公司跳槽到中国企业的中国经理人。例如,盛大总裁唐骏曾担任微软大中华区总裁;联想企业通信部门主管吉恩-蔡(Jean Cai)曾在奥美全球公司和通用电气任职多年;电信设备厂商华为曾经从摩托罗拉和诺基亚招聘多位员工;海尔、中国网通以及华晨汽车则从麦肯锡、科尔尼以及波士顿咨询集团挖来数名职员。Egon Zehnder国际公司合伙人比尔-亨德森(Bill Henderson)表示:“我们经常建议跨国公司如何留住它们最好的人才。”This migration is a big change from five years ago, when no self-respecting[adj.有自尊心的] white-collar worker in China would have dreamed of quitting a foreign company to join a local outfit[口语:集体,组织]. These days the turbo-charged growth, global aspirations[渴望,报负,志气], and deep pockets of China's ambitious private companies are looking better all the time. In 2000 locals made up just 20% to 30% of the managers recruited[v.招募] in China by headhunter Heidrick & Struggles. Today that figure[数字] is 60% to 70%. Local companies are "cherry-picking the best talent," says Steve Mullinjer, managing partner for China at Heidrick. He should know. One of his top consultants recently jumped ship to work as chief financial officer for a Heidrick client.五年前,几乎没有任何一位白领员工愿意离开国外企业加盟一家本土公司,而现在形势发生了很大的变化。2000年,在猎头公司Heidrick & Struggles经手的中国经理人中只有20%到30%被本土公司招聘,而目前这一比例高达60%到70%。Heidrick & Struggles公司合伙人史蒂夫-穆林杰(Steve Mullinjer)表示,中国本土企业已经有能力招聘到最优秀的人才。他应该知道,他公司的一位高级顾问最近跳槽到Heidrick的一客户公司担任财务主管。Managers say working for local companies lets them take on more responsibility and make a greater contribution. That's what made Wu Xianyong, a 34-year-old native of the southern province of Yunnan, quit flogging Crest toothpaste and Pringles potato chips for Procter & Gamble Co.. In 2004, after nearly nine years at P&G, he jumped at the chance to serve as vice-president for marketing at Li-Ning, China's top athletic-shoe maker and sports apparel[衣服,服装] marketer. He has since taken on oversight of international business as well. "Li-Ning can provide me with a much better platform to play on," says Wu, who also snagged a 50% raise plus generous stock options. "I'm not just managing a brand. I do sports marketing, events, and PR, and I manage research." In fact, Li-Ning is chock-full[adj.充满] of multinational alums: The vice-president for sales formerly worked at Avon Products Inc., the vice-president for footwear came from Nike Inc., and the chief financial officer left news wire Reuters Group PLC..中国经理人普遍认为,为本土企业工作意味着他们将承担更重要的责任,并做出更大的贡献,也许这正是34岁的伍贤勇离开宝洁加盟李宁公司的最主要原因。2004年,伍贤勇离开了工作了9年之久的宝洁,加盟李宁公司担任主管营销的副总裁,此外他还负责李宁公司的国际业务。伍贤勇表示:“李宁公司可以为我提供更好的工作平台。我并不仅仅负责管理一个品牌,我还负责体育营销、比赛、公关乃至研发。事实上,李宁公司拥有一支完全国际化的团队,其主管销售的副总裁来自于雅芳,主管鞋类的副总裁来自于耐克,首席财务长则来自于路透集团。Much of the shift[改变,转变] stems from[来自于,源自于] global aspirations. By hiring execs with experience at multinationals, the Chinese figure, they'll have a leg up when they go abroad. For instance Gome, China's No. 2 retailer[零售商], has ambitious plans to expand. So in January it recruited Weng Xiangwei, a 37-year-old former vice-president in Morgan Stanley's mergers-and-acquisitions team, as its strategy chief and financial guru[受尊敬、有影响力的教师或权威]. "When a company grows to a certain size, it needs to think about more than just where to open its next store," says Weng, a Shanghai native with a PhD in biophysics from the University of California at Berkeley.企业的国际化是促成这一转变的最主要原因,聘请具有跨国企业工作经验的高级主管有助于中国企业进军国际市场。例如,为了更好的完成扩张计划,中国第二大零售商国美电器今年1月聘请前摩根斯坦利合并与收购团队副总裁翁贤伟(音译)担任首席战略长兼财务指导。翁贤伟表示:“当一家公司发展到一定规模时,应当考虑的并不仅仅是在哪里开设下一家分店。”翁贤伟是上海人,并拥有加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校生物物理学博士学位Some managers take a pay cut when they jump ship -- although stock options often fill in the gap. That trend will accelerate as more private Chinese companies list on overseas stock markets[海外股市]. Deng Kangming, for example, saw his salary drop by 20% when he left his job as head of human resources at Microsoft in Beijing for a similar job at Net auctioneer Alibaba Technology, but he was granted[v.给予] a generous dollop[一团,一块] of options. Two years ago, 27-year-old Zhou Donglei took a 35% cut when she left Japan's Softbank Infrastructure Fund in Beijing to run business development and investor relations at Shanda. "What drew me was the opportunity, definitely not the salary," says Zhou.很多中国经理人在跳槽到本土公司后薪酬都有所减少,但他们获得的股权足以弥补经济上的损失。随着越来越多中国私营公司计划赴海外上市,这一趋势将得到延续。例如,邓康明离开微软加盟阿里巴巴后薪酬减少了20%,但他获得了为数不少的阿里巴巴股权;周东蕾两年前离开日本软银基础基金加盟盛大后薪酬减少了35%,她说:“盛大吸引我的并不是薪酬,而是发展机会。”Yet salary can play a role in many searches, especially for sought-after talents such as finance. One veteran[有经验的人] of the Bank of China saw his pay jump in just six months from $70,000 to $180,000 after a bidding war broke out for his talents among a foreign bank and two Chinese companies, according to Heidrick & Struggles: The manager ended up[以……结果而告终] as CFO for a local valve[阀门,活门] 1 maker.当然,要吸引人才加盟,薪酬也是一个非常重要的因素,这一点在人才紧缺的财经领域尤为明显。例如,据Heidrick & Struggles公司称,一家国外银行和两家本土企业为招聘一位中国银行的资深人士展开激烈争夺,从而这位资深人士的薪酬在6个月内由7万美元增至18万美元。目前,这位资深人士在一家本土阀门厂商担任首席财务长。China's state-owned[adj.国有的] giants are also likely to pay a premium to[重视做某事] woo talent[人才]. For instance, Ping An Insurance Group, China's second-largest life insurer[承保人,保险公司], has hired managers away from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and American International Group -- often upping their pay by as much as 50%. Ping An just hired a manager with five years of experience at an international bank for $65,000 per year -- a huge sum in China, and 40% more than he was making at his old job.为吸引更多人才加盟,中国国有企业也不惜付出重金。例如,中国第二大人寿保险公司平安保险从加拿大帝国商业银行和美国国际集团聘请了多位经理人,平安保险为这些管理人支付的薪酬比原来普遍高出了50%。不久前,平安保险刚刚聘请了一位在一家国际银行有五年工作经验的经理人,年薪高达6.5万美元,比他此前的薪酬高出了40%。Most telling of all, Chinese companies are even starting to look overseas for talent. Michael Zhang, a 37-year-old native of Sichuan province, worked for four years at medical device maker[医疗设备制造商] Guidant Corp. Before being recruited as CEO of Microport Medical Co., which makes stents used in unblocking arteries[动脉]. He, in turn, hired 33-year-old Zhao Ruilin, who had joined rival device-maker Medtronic Inc. in Minneapolis after earning a PhD from a Harvard University/Massachusetts Institute of Technology joint program in health sciences and technology, as well as an MBA from the Wharton School. Zhao now serves as Microport's vice-president for business development and strategic planning. He earns just $60,000 -- a bit more than half what he made at Medtronic, though he also gets free housing. Still, he says, the greater responsibilities he has, coupled with[伴随着] Microport's hyper growth -- sales this year are expected to triple, to $30 million -- make up for the pay cut. "Working for this company is so much fun," Zhao says. "Now I'm interacting with bankers, private equity shops, lawyers, and accountants."此之外,中国企业还瞄准海外寻找人才。例如,微创医疗器械(上海)有限公司的CEO迈克尔-张(Michael Zhang)以及主管业务开发和战略规划的副总裁赵瑞林(音译)都来自于海外。其中,迈克尔-张在为Guidant公司工作的四年时间里,他雇佣了赵瑞林。然而,赵瑞林在获宾西法尼亚州大学wharton学校的工商管理硕士和哈佛大学麻省理工学院博士学位后加盟了Medtronic公司。现在赵瑞林是Microport公司主管业务开发和战略规划的副总裁,目前的年薪为6万美元,仅仅相当于他在Medtronic公司薪酬的一半。但他表示:“伴随着微创的快速发展,我承担着更大的责任,本年度销售额有望翻三翻,将达到3千万,这会弥补减少的薪酬,为这家公司工作非常有趣。”现在我和银行家,私营业主,律师和会计师都有业务往来。The drive for talent by China's best companies feeds into the boom[繁荣,高潮] for middle and upper managers at both multinationals and local firms. One recruiter estimates managing directors at Chinese state-owned companies can earn up to $300,000 a year plus a car and housing, while middle managers with the right skills pull down $70,000 or more. Annual raises of about 13% to 14% are necessary to hold on to employees, while poachers offer pay jumps of 20% to 30%, according to Hong Kong recruiting firm Bo Le Associates. "For mid-level management, the market is really hot," says Bo Le managing director Louisa Wong Rousseau.中国企业寻求人才的内驱力发展成为跨国企业和本土企业寻求中高级管理人才的高潮。一招聘者估计在国有企业里,总经理年薪将达到三十万元,并且有房有车,然而具有同等能力的中层管理人员只有七万元或多一点。据香港伯乐管理有限公司统计,为留住人才,员工工资每年增长13%至14%是必要的,然而,为吸引人才,一些单位会以涨20%至30%。伯乐公司总经理Louisa Wong Rousseau.女士说,现在中层管理人才市场也非常热门。And don't expect things to cool off anytime soon. China will need 75,000 globally capable execs in the next five years but has fewer than 5,000 today, estimates McKinsey. As long as multinationals in China train locals to run their operations, there's likely to be no shortage of mainland rivals eager to snatch them away.着中国经济的高速增长,这一趋势并不会停止。麦肯锡预测,未来五年内中国将需要7.5万名合格的高管,而目前却不足5000名。因此,只要跨国公司还在中国培养本土管理人才,中国本土竞争者对于人才的争夺就不会停止。